Spiritual Practice: a Divine Daily Gift to Yourself

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Caption: Photo Marya OMalley


Spiritual practice is a way of connecting consciously with Spirit through indwelling Divine Presence. And regular practice integrates this experience into daily life

Find a Practice that Appeals to You

 I encourage you to pursue a spiritual practice that appeals to you. It will make it easier for you to begin and to continue a regular practice.

Practice is for your benefit and there is no one practice for everyone. If you try a spiritual practice and it doesn’t seem to be “doing it ” for you, then my suggestion is to modify the practice to better suit you or try another one.


Photo by Anthony Tori on Unsplash


Simple is Best

Can you do the practice easily at home? While you are traveling? Without a lot of accessories? Make it doable.You can always add more elements later.

If you don’t have twenty minutes then do ten minutes or five minutes, start wherever you are. Perhaps you can do your practice first thing in the morning when the house is quiet or at night when you are lying in bed before going to sleep. Maybe you could do five minutes in the morning and five in the evening. If the time extends itself, so be it.


Photo: Marya OMalley

What are Some Examples of Spiritual Practice?

  • Meditation
  • Movement meditation
  • Reflection
  • Prayer
  • Journaling
  • Blessing

A quick affirmative prayer on your commute and even blessing other drivers is spiritual practice! 

Adding love, joy, gratitude, peace or any other positive feeling as you prepare a meal is a spiritual practice. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s  research proves the effect that our thoughts and emotions have on water. We are mostly water and so is the food that we enjoy.


Photo by Andrey Grinkevich on Unsplash


Repeating Helps

Repeating accelerates your progress. With this in mind you might find that you want to slip in some added spiritual practice when you have a few moments of time like when waiting at the doctor’s office.

Audio or Video Guided Practice 

YouTube has a bounty of guided meditations. There any many apps that make access easy and portable using your cell phone. I have several guided meditations free on my website –  click here for those – and my Simply Divine meditation on YouTube. When I have used a recorded practice several times it becomes familiar and I can then do the practice on my own if I prefer.


Photo by Jess Watters on Unsplash


A Gift that You Give Yourself

Give yourself the gift of regular spiritual practice and strengthen your Divine Connection. Grow your soul, have more inner peace and deepen Divine connection. Those few minutes have a lasting effect on every moment of your day.    


Take care and may your Divine spirit guide you today and always.